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  • samhwest

Getting to know our church

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

One of the greatest joys of pastoring MSBM has been getting to know people. While pastoring, I have encountered just about every type of person. And what I love most about these people is hearing their stories. I love hearing what God has done in someone's life and how God has brought them to where they are. I love hearing the stories of His Grace. And each of us has a story of grace - sometimes simple, sometimes not. So from time to time, I am asking some guest bloggers to share their stories. In particular, I am asking them to share how God brought them to the Mission and how God has impacted their lives through our church. In return, I hope that someone might be able to relate to their story and find God's grace for themselves.

Our first guest blogger is Joshua Besters. Joshua recently came on as the Associate Pastor at the Mission and God is already using him in mighty ways. Read a part of his story below and learn more about how God brought him to himself and to MSBM:

"I recall being 5 years old and saying to my mother that I was going to be a preacher when I got older. Wow! What 5 year old wants to be a preacher? LOL! Looking back on that day, I realize this was simply God's way of placing a desire in me early in life to care for and lead his people. I am still to this day humbled and amazed at the Power of God. The world has a way of robbing us of the visions, dreams and purpose that God has placed in us. However, God is faithful to the purpose he has for our setbacks and detours. He causes all things to work together for the good of those that love him and are called according to his purpose. So after a life full ups, downs, detours, mistakes, and mess, God has taken it all and made a message for His glory: The Message of Reconciliation. Allicia and I are so thankful to come alongside the loving, God fearing family at MSBM. We are so thankful and fortunate to be a part of a body that understands the significance of making disciples. A special thanks to my pastor and friend Sam. This is a place where the cross is the central focus and God's people are edified by the power of God's Word. My family has grown so much spiritually since arriving a year ago. We look forward as we continue to do life together under the Lordship of Jesus Christ."

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